How to prevent infection of the tattoo and the care of infected tattoo

Every experience is different from the tattoo. If this is your first tattoo or your fourth or fifth, you can have totally different results.

Each tattoo is in a different part of the body. Some areas are more sensitive or more prone to infection. Some of the things that cause infection include clothing rubbing against it causing irritation and causing land to reach it. Another thing is that during the healing process, if you pick at your tattoo crusting, which can cause infection as well. The fingers and under fingernails can be very dirty and full of bacteria. Even if you do not choose your crust, rubbing and scratching can also cause infection around.

To care for your tattoo, you should probably use an ointment and development. This is fine, but personally I found that using an unscented lotion works best. The reasoning for this is A & D ointment seals your tattoo. What I mean by that is, A & D is thick and has to use very lightly or suffocate your tattoo.

Your tattoo needs air to heal. Using an unscented lotion several times a day, will absorb right into your skin and keep hydrated crust so it does not tug on it. At the same time, allowing you to get the air it needs to heal faster. You also want to make sure to keep your tattoo sun. This is hard to do if your tattoo in the summer time to show it off. Keep out of the show until it is healed. The sun is going to shake and the sun's heat hurt themselves. In addition, your tattoo will disappear. Whether in color or black fade if exposed to sunlight.

To see if you have an infection, put your hand on your tattoo, if it feels warm or hot you have an infection. Another sign of infection is shooting pains around your tattoo. You may also experience sharp pain in his tattoo. Also, if the tattoo is of a pink or red around it, this is another sign of infection.

If you think you have an infection, do not worry it's an easy fix! Just be careful that at the first symptoms, do not wait until it's a very bad infection. To treat an infection to take a paper towel and soak it in hydrogen peroxide and squeeze out the excess. Then it was on top of your tattoo for about 5 minutes. Do this every two hours for several days until the pain subsides and pink or red color disappears. While you are treating an infection, you still want to put on unscented lotion or ointment A & D. If the tattoo is oozing or very red around or causing extreme pain, you must go to the ER or the DR. that will most likely prescribe antibiotics to help get rid of the infection.

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